Basketball Wives Season 3 Episode 10 Season Finale

As evidenced by the success of this last episode! I'm sure there are plenty of great benefits and the surprising revelation that these women look beautiful installed for you! In the next episode of the basketball season 3 10 wives, the girls are on another roller coaster of emotions! This time, Chad will be a big problem! This type was seen by Evelyn out with another woman who became more furious and called to get their hands on it! Meanwhile, Jen seems happy that the divorce and decided to throw a big party about it! Take this and much more here in this

episode last episode 9, Royce meets with Eric, Jen makes angry, Chad has a surprise trip to Evelyn and Al Reynolds Jen establishes a blind date that shows potential.

At the end of season 3, Chad and Evelyn shock when points had lunch with another woman. Meanwhile, Jen is hosting a wild party divorce. That will air: Friday August 8, 2011, prior episode: Royce meets with Eric, Jen makes angry, Chad has a surprise trip to Evelyn and Al Reynolds Jen establishes a blind date that shows potential. Tami is reduced and the dispute Meeka in Italy and member of the bonds in the drama.